Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blogpost 2 : The Butterfly Effect

All of us have made decisions in the past that we completely regret, especially, if it's concerning love interests, telling ourselves "I should have talked to her.". For the decisions we made back then, we want to go back time and change our decision because we're completely unsatisfied about it but it's completely impossible to go back time and do that. We can always make a single decision to do out of multiple choices for each and every event. What if we can go back to that time when we made a decision that we entirely regret and change it or going to another parallel universe, replace your other self there and renew your decision?

This kind of experience had the same concern like the movie "The Butterfly Effect" starred by Ashton Kutcher. The movie was all about a young man who blacks out in significant events in his life and can't remember a thing about it. As he grew up, he finds a way to remember those memories and a supernatural way to alter the decisions he made in the past. The movie talks about the Butterfly effect and Parallel World. The Butterfly effect is the event that even though the tiniest actions or happenings occurs it can actually lead to a result that is undetectable of the action itself. 

As I was reading through articles about the Butterfly Effect, I found an article named "The Butterfly Effect and the Enviroment: How Tiny actions can save the World" by Brian Clarke in the site "Copyblogger". The article talks about the Butterfly Effect and it's positive side. The term "Butterfly Effect" was derived from the Chaos Theory, a science of predicting the behavior of unpredictable systems. 

"Tiny changes within a complex system lead to results that are impossible to predict. For example, the flapping of a butterfly’s wings could create tiny changes in the atmosphere that lead to violent weather conditions elsewhere on the planet." stated by Brian Clarke

I believe that Brian Clarke is trying to say that even the tiniest changes we make in a complex system can affect our future or maybe the environment around us entirely. His explanation applies to the decision of a man too. The movie "The butterfly effect" applies to this explanation just that Parallel World is included. In the movie "The butterfly effect", Ashton Kutcher has a supernatural way of moving to a parallel dimension or universe and alter his decisions because his girlfriend had a suicide because he didn't visited her when he left their hometown for his blackout issues when he was a kid. 

When he changed his decisions back then, his future and the future of his friends changed. As he began making mistakes once again, he transferred to another dimension and changed another decision in another event. Like before, the future entirely changed and as time goes on he made mistakes and went through another dimension. Until the time he was satisfied with his future, he stopped going to another dimension to another. It's like the Butterfly Effect. You change one decision in the past, you change your entire future.

I came to a realization that reality is just a memory. Reality is just a memory because based on the movie you can go back to any place or any event you remember and alter your decision from it. In your memory, you can do that all. I came to another realization that even a single decision like "Yes" or "No" can affect your future entirely. Like the poster of the movie "The Butterfly Effect", change one thing, change everything.

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