Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blogpost 1: Déjà vu

Déjà vu, also known as "already seen" in French, is an event that all of us experienced, a nostalgic feeling that when you walk into somewhere you don't know or engage a new situation and you say to yourself "Was I already here before? Everything seems familiar." This kind of experience may have happened at least once in our lives. Recently, I had a Déjà vu on some place I have never been before. I tried to recall the events on my mind if I ever encountered this place before but can't clearly remember if I have ever been since the image is very blurry.

I came up with an idea that if a Déjà vu occurs on me then I would just assume that it's a blurry memory that I encountered when I was a kid. First, I assumed that it's just a foggy phenomenon that happened when I was younger but years passed and more Déjà vu happened to me and concluded that maybe I was born before and was born again and my memories to my old self was coming back. That idea only lasted short enough because I was a Catholic and realized that it's not possible but when the concept of parallel universe came in, I said to myself "I think it's possible".

I found this article entitled "Can Parallel Universe Explain the Déjà vu Phenomenon" in MessageToEagle. I was very interested in the topic because ever since the concept of Déjà vu came in to my life, I can't remove the feeling of desiring knowledge of the Phenomenon. And now, I'm interested on how the author meant in his title about the relation of Parallel Universe and Déjà vu. According to the article, it is possible that Parallel Worlds can explain the Deja Vu Phenomenon. 

"There are hundreds of different radio waves being broadcast all around you from distant stations. At any given instant, your office or car or living room is full of these radio waves. However if you turn on a radio, you can listen to only one frequency at a time; these other frequencies are not in phase with each other." stated by Professor Steve Weinberg in the article.

I believe that Professor Steve Weinberg is trying to state that there are many worlds around us with different frequencies. However, our universe is in another different frequency that corresponds to physical reality compared to another worlds. Although there are infinite number of parallel universes around us, we cannot connect or observe with them because we are not in phase with the frequencies with each other. Meaning that if those frequencies are in phase with each other it is theoretically possible to go and transfer between universes.

Thinking about what I have read about in this article, I came a realization that Déjà vu is occurring when you are in phase with your other self in a parallel world or in other terms "vibrating in unison" with a parallel world. Like when you're about to do something and you had a Déjà vu meaning that your other self in another parallel world done that and you're about to do it and now you're in harmony with each other.

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