Saturday, July 20, 2013

Blogpost 6 : Silent Hill on Parallel Universe

When the kids and teenagers this days were born, it was already the computer generation where people are dependent on machines. I was part of that generation. In the past, I always like to play games in computers, consoles, portable consoles, etc. During that time, the most recognized and anticipated games were Resident Evil, Clock Tower, Pokemon, Silent Hill, etc. All of this games were memorable to me because I was left curious on how this games can actually be true in primary reality or is it possible that this games can be true. The game that I found that is the most possible to be true in real life is Silent Hill with the concept of Parallel Universe. Silent Hill has movies too.

The movie Silent Hill is all about a woman in search of her daughter, within a strange, isolated, deserted town called Silent Hill, based on the video game. In the movie, you can involuntarily go to another dimension meaning that if you don't want to go you are forced to. In the game, you can voluntarily go to another dimension just by touching mirrors based on my experience on playing it. For the people who played or watched Silent Hill, they just mostly play the game for the fun and thrill of it but I was left wondered on how they can do that or how is it possible in real life.

As I was searching for articles about Silent Hill on Parallel Universe, I found an article entitled "The other world of Silent Hill is not an "Other World" - It's Ours" by MegaBearsFan on the site of MegaBearsFan. I found out many things about Silent Hill. The article talks about that that it is an misunderstanding that the Other World in Silent Hill is some kind of parallel dimension.

"So, in summary, we have one example in the entirety of the first three games that might suggest that there is some kind of parallel dimensions (or perception) thing going on, as well as one line from the fourth game which corroborates that idea. But both are taken out of context, and there are dozens of examples that showcase an actual, physical transformation of the real world. We have a handful of quotes from Harry himself stating that “this is not a dream!”, “it’s like reality is being invaded”, and “someone’s nightmarish delusions come to life”. The interactions between different characters (particularly in Silent Hill 2) heavily suggests that changes are taking place in the real world. And finally, the concept of a God that can only create parallel dimensions just makes the whole game series moot and pointless, so why adhere to that belief?" stated by MegaBearsFan.

I believe that MegaBearsFan is trying to say that the there is really some kind of parallel dimensions thing is going on the Silent Hill games. I didn't able to play all Silent Hill games because I don't have any consoles anymore but knowing what MegaBearsFan has stated I was able to understand what Silent Hill is. The whole parallel dimensions thing on what is happening on Silent Hill is being controlled by a god that can only create parallel dimensions. 

I realized that it might not be parallel dimensions that is what in the game but someone's nightmarish delusion come to life and that this is not a dream meaning that all of this happened because of the god in silent hill who can create parallel dimensions. Another things I realized is that Silent Hill can't be true in reality since in the game parallel dimensions were created by a god. In real life, we don't know or recognize any gods who can create parallel dimensions. My curiosity is gone but I'm disappointed that it is not possible for the concept of Silent Hill to become true in reality. A game is a game. Reality is real.

Blogpost 5 : The Philosophy of Parallel Universe

Back when we were kids, we always wanted to touch the stars, be like superman and fly to the space and wonder out in outer space. We always imagine ourselves back then floating in outer space and talking to our alien friends. In the past, we always wonder that what would happen to us if we have a different gender, different dominant hand, different number of fingers, different number of toes? We think about this kind of stuff back then because we're not satisfied on what we have.

The only thing I knew about the universe is the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the stars that are in the space. As time goes on, the things that I know what's out there in space is increasing. I've come up with an idea that aliens do exist because there are other planets out there instead of the 9 planets in the Solar System. I was so naive to think that the things that I know about the universe is so many that everything that is out there I know because I think that there are other universes like ours, a parallel universe. I know what universe is but what about Parallel Universe?

As I was searching about the Universe and Parallel Universe, I saw an article entitled "My So-Called Universe" by Jim Holt in the site of Slate. The article provides me a philosophical definition of what Parallel Universe is. It was an eye catcher because I now know that I was really naive.

"1) very, very large; 2) "causally isolated" from each other (meaning that an event in one cannot have an effect in another); and hence 3) mutually unknowable by direct observation (since observing something means causally interacting with it). The case for saying the two domains are separate universes is further strengthened if 4) they have very different characters: if, say, one of them has three spatial dimensions (like ours), whereas the other has 17 dimensions. Finally—and here is the existentially titillating possibility—two domains might be called separate universes if 5) they are "parallel," meaning that they contain somewhat different versions of the same entities, like your own alter ego." stated by Jim Holt.

I believe that Jim Holt is trying to say on his first philosophical perspective of what parallel universe is that that the universe we know is very, very large that it may have parallel universe in it. Second, if we do something in our world it cannot effect to a parallel universe like when an atomic bomb is fired in the Philippines and erased it in the map it cannot affect in a parallel universe since the universes are causally isolated to each other. Third, it connects to the philosophical definition of the second one because since the universes are causally isolated from each other, we cannot interact with another parallel universe. Fourth, the universe we know is just a part of a super large universe so our 3-dimensional universe is just a part of it and there's other kind of universe out there with different kind of dimensions. And lastly, there's a replica of something what is in there just that it's somewhat different since it's parallel.

By learning the philosophy of Parallel Universe, I realized the things or factors that don't allow us to see another universe. I realized that our 3-dimensional universe is just another piece of a puzzle of what universe is since there's a possibility for parallel universe. Another thing I realized is that my daydreams when I was a kid that I want to be a girl or left-handed at least may actually be true but not me since I can't change my appearance but the one in a parallel universe.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Blogpost 4 : The Science of Parallel Universes

The concept of Parallel Universes or Multiverse always capture the attention of everyone in this world because it's something everyone of us dreamt of, having second chances for the choices or things we completely regret and things turn out differently. An alternative reality where you  have been the smartest guy in the world and you finally successfully plugged in your USB for the first try. But, is there really a scientific explanation for the existence of Parallel Universes? We all know that the universe is everything that there is. Now, if there are parallel universes, our universe doesn't represents what everything that there is but combined with parallel universes then they truly represents what everything is there is.

It's really controversial. We know that universe is everything but if there's other universes then then the universe we live in is not everything. The problem is that physicists mostly say Universe but they really mean is observable universe, a part of the universe that we have seen so far. Physicists call multi-observable universes  as multiverse. The word Multiverse in physics are three unassociated offered physical universes. None of which are proved by experiment.

When I was searching through the articles about the Multiverse, I saw an article entitled "Does the Multiverse exist?" by George F. R. Ellis in the site Scientifc American and it caught my attention and I read the whole article. The article talks about on how multiverse might exist. 

"Nearly all cosmologists today (including me) accept this type of multiverse, which Max Tegmark calls “level 1.” Yet some go further. They suggest completely different kinds of universes, with different physics, different histories, maybe different numbers of spatial dimensions. Most will be sterile, although some will be teeming with life. A chief proponent of this “level 2” multiverse is Alexander Vilenkin, who paints a dramatic picture of an infinite set of universes with an infinite number of galaxies, an infinite number of planets and an infinite number of people with your name who are reading this article." stated by George F. R. Ellis

The three multiverse models are Bubble theory, String theory and the Many-Worlds theory. The level 1 said by George explains the Bubble theory. The Bubble theory indicates that maybe there are other parts of the universe that which are very far that we will never see them or similarly like blackholes so that we cannot see them but just in another dimension. If each of this separate unseeable bubbles in the universe had slightly different laws of physics then meaning that we could only exist into the right physical laws that allows us to exist. 

The level 2 explains the String Theory. The String theory or also called extra dimensions proposed that our universe is actually just a three-dimensional surface that was implanted within a larger super-universe with 9 spatial dimension. Like a page of a magazine is it's own two-dimensional surface embedded in our three-dimensional world. If there is a larger super-universe with 9 spatial dimensions, then there are other three-dimensional surfaces around this super-universe since there's too much space. Like the pages of a magazine, were actually part of a bigger whole. Like the level 2, there are infinite number of universes around us since we are in a 9-dimensional universe.

Here's why Multiverse is very intriguing to everyone one of us. The last model of multiverse, the Many-world Theory. The many-world theory makes an attempt by explanation by proposing that every possible outcome to an event happens into another parallel world. If this is possible, then you can simply pick your adventure in all the universes out there where every possible happens. This kind of topic is very popular nowadays because many people regret their decision and wanted to renew it. 

I realized that Many-world theory is kinda similar to the Bubble theory because based on this theories anything can happen it's just that we exist in the series of events that was necessary for us to exist. Like we were destined to do this action even though we despised it. It's kind of hard to believe in this theories but it's okay since none of this theories are proven to exist, yet. We should expect that this theories may be proven or not in the future since it's theoretically possible or not for this theories to be true. If it's true, then maybe in another parallel universe you're not reading this blog.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blogpost 3 : Source Code

There were times in our lives that we experience people hit us when we are not looking especially if we're trying to sleep or rest. We always get irritated or frustrated when people do that particularly when we look for the person who did that but no one wants to admit who have done the act and people around you have started to laugh because they think that you're very dumb to not know who the mastermind is. When this kind of act happens, we are always the center of attraction. During this event, we are thinking that "Who the hell did that?! Show yourself and I'll hit you too!". What if we can go back time and see who did that but we have to replace another person who is a witness to that act or in other words creating a parallel world whose past we may visit but you're a different person.

The movie "Source Code" shares the same intention as ours when we want to go back time and see who did that but in a whole new level. The movie was starred by Jake Gyllenhaal. The movie is all about a soldier who wakes up in the body of an unknown man and found out that he has a mission to find the bomber in the Chicago commuter train with only 8 minutes. The Source Code and creating parallel universe is the focus of the story. The Source Code is a machine that retrace events by accessing mental impressions formed in the brain during the victims’ final eight minutes of life based on the movie. 

As I was searching for articles about the movie "Source Code and it's relation to parallel universe, I found an article entitled "Parallel Universe and Corpse Brains: Source Code Takes Science on a Trip" by "Hugh Hart" in the site of "Wired". The article talks about on how the Source Code creates parallel universe and the possibility if Source Code can become reality. Source Code is just a fictional idea made by the movie. 

‘Time reassignment’ respects this boundary by creating a parallel world whose past we may visit and freely disturb, since those actions have no causal impact on our own reality,” Ripley said. “Whatever Colter does in the Source Code changes absolutely nothing that has already happened in the primary reality.” stated by Hugh Hart.

The movie believed that when you die, circuits from your brain remain open just briefly, even after death, like a light bulb that was turned off and there's an after-glow. Another thing that the movie believed that the brain contains a short term memory track that's approximately eight minutes long like a security camera in a convenience store that only records the last portion of the day's activity in its hard drive. Now, combining this two beliefs in the movie, Source Code takes advantage of this two things. I believe that Hugh Hart was saying that Source Code cannot affect the primary reality because it creates parallel worlds whose past we may visit and freely disturb that is similar to our reality. 

Jake is dead in the movie but based on the beliefs of the movie he is alive in the source code. When Jake goes back in the Source Code, he's in a body of another person with almost same capabilities as him. Each time Jake goes into the Source Code, he's creating a new parallel reality. Jake dies 7 times on going to the Source Code in order to find the bomber. Before his last transport on the Source Code, he ordered Vera, the one in-charge of the source code in primary reality, that she must take off the life support of the Source Code to him when 8 minutes arrived since he knew who the bomber is now. For all the 7 tries in order to look for the bomber, all of them in the train died but his 8th try he saved all of them and when the 8 minutes was up, his consciousness stayed on the person he overtake on the source code. Over all he made 8 parallel realities and he experienced different scenarios. 

In the 8th and last parallel reality he created, I realized that his consciousness is not in 2 places at once but he's in several places at once. Jake's body physical body not only exists in the primary reality, but in every parallel reality that the Source Code created. His consciousness resides on his original body inside the Source Code and the other one is the one who created 8 parallel realities. The beauty of creating parallel universe is very nice but we must only focus on our primary reality because this is where our choices were made.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blogpost 2 : The Butterfly Effect

All of us have made decisions in the past that we completely regret, especially, if it's concerning love interests, telling ourselves "I should have talked to her.". For the decisions we made back then, we want to go back time and change our decision because we're completely unsatisfied about it but it's completely impossible to go back time and do that. We can always make a single decision to do out of multiple choices for each and every event. What if we can go back to that time when we made a decision that we entirely regret and change it or going to another parallel universe, replace your other self there and renew your decision?

This kind of experience had the same concern like the movie "The Butterfly Effect" starred by Ashton Kutcher. The movie was all about a young man who blacks out in significant events in his life and can't remember a thing about it. As he grew up, he finds a way to remember those memories and a supernatural way to alter the decisions he made in the past. The movie talks about the Butterfly effect and Parallel World. The Butterfly effect is the event that even though the tiniest actions or happenings occurs it can actually lead to a result that is undetectable of the action itself. 

As I was reading through articles about the Butterfly Effect, I found an article named "The Butterfly Effect and the Enviroment: How Tiny actions can save the World" by Brian Clarke in the site "Copyblogger". The article talks about the Butterfly Effect and it's positive side. The term "Butterfly Effect" was derived from the Chaos Theory, a science of predicting the behavior of unpredictable systems. 

"Tiny changes within a complex system lead to results that are impossible to predict. For example, the flapping of a butterfly’s wings could create tiny changes in the atmosphere that lead to violent weather conditions elsewhere on the planet." stated by Brian Clarke

I believe that Brian Clarke is trying to say that even the tiniest changes we make in a complex system can affect our future or maybe the environment around us entirely. His explanation applies to the decision of a man too. The movie "The butterfly effect" applies to this explanation just that Parallel World is included. In the movie "The butterfly effect", Ashton Kutcher has a supernatural way of moving to a parallel dimension or universe and alter his decisions because his girlfriend had a suicide because he didn't visited her when he left their hometown for his blackout issues when he was a kid. 

When he changed his decisions back then, his future and the future of his friends changed. As he began making mistakes once again, he transferred to another dimension and changed another decision in another event. Like before, the future entirely changed and as time goes on he made mistakes and went through another dimension. Until the time he was satisfied with his future, he stopped going to another dimension to another. It's like the Butterfly Effect. You change one decision in the past, you change your entire future.

I came to a realization that reality is just a memory. Reality is just a memory because based on the movie you can go back to any place or any event you remember and alter your decision from it. In your memory, you can do that all. I came to another realization that even a single decision like "Yes" or "No" can affect your future entirely. Like the poster of the movie "The Butterfly Effect", change one thing, change everything.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blogpost 1: Déjà vu

Déjà vu, also known as "already seen" in French, is an event that all of us experienced, a nostalgic feeling that when you walk into somewhere you don't know or engage a new situation and you say to yourself "Was I already here before? Everything seems familiar." This kind of experience may have happened at least once in our lives. Recently, I had a Déjà vu on some place I have never been before. I tried to recall the events on my mind if I ever encountered this place before but can't clearly remember if I have ever been since the image is very blurry.

I came up with an idea that if a Déjà vu occurs on me then I would just assume that it's a blurry memory that I encountered when I was a kid. First, I assumed that it's just a foggy phenomenon that happened when I was younger but years passed and more Déjà vu happened to me and concluded that maybe I was born before and was born again and my memories to my old self was coming back. That idea only lasted short enough because I was a Catholic and realized that it's not possible but when the concept of parallel universe came in, I said to myself "I think it's possible".

I found this article entitled "Can Parallel Universe Explain the Déjà vu Phenomenon" in MessageToEagle. I was very interested in the topic because ever since the concept of Déjà vu came in to my life, I can't remove the feeling of desiring knowledge of the Phenomenon. And now, I'm interested on how the author meant in his title about the relation of Parallel Universe and Déjà vu. According to the article, it is possible that Parallel Worlds can explain the Deja Vu Phenomenon. 

"There are hundreds of different radio waves being broadcast all around you from distant stations. At any given instant, your office or car or living room is full of these radio waves. However if you turn on a radio, you can listen to only one frequency at a time; these other frequencies are not in phase with each other." stated by Professor Steve Weinberg in the article.

I believe that Professor Steve Weinberg is trying to state that there are many worlds around us with different frequencies. However, our universe is in another different frequency that corresponds to physical reality compared to another worlds. Although there are infinite number of parallel universes around us, we cannot connect or observe with them because we are not in phase with the frequencies with each other. Meaning that if those frequencies are in phase with each other it is theoretically possible to go and transfer between universes.

Thinking about what I have read about in this article, I came a realization that Déjà vu is occurring when you are in phase with your other self in a parallel world or in other terms "vibrating in unison" with a parallel world. Like when you're about to do something and you had a Déjà vu meaning that your other self in another parallel world done that and you're about to do it and now you're in harmony with each other.